In the 1960s, President Eisenhower's second term was about to end. And in about that time, the economy was downing. Soviet Union launched Sputnik I in 1958, development of long range missiles, U-2 incident, alignment of Cuba with the Soviet Union had made United States of America wonder who they'll choose as the next president. Those two candidates were, Democratic Senator John Kennedy of Massachusetts and Republican Vice President Richer M. Nixon.
Kennedy was a 43 year old, he would of been the second youngest president if he was elected, but he had a way into attracting the public.
Kennedy and Nixon were both the first presidential candidates to be on a television debate on September 26, 1960.
One of the major event occurred in October, were when Martin Luther King, Jr. and 33 other African-American demonstrators were sitting at a segregated lunch counter. King was sentenced to months of hard labor because of a minor traffic violation. Eisenhower administration and Nixon took no action. Although, Kennedy was sympathetic by calling Kin's wife, Coretta Scott King. Robert Kennedy, his brother and campaign manager went to the judge who sentenced King to release the civil rights leader on bail, which caught the African American community's attention.
In the Kennedy's Camelot years: Kennedy may have lacked in substance, but the public was fascinated by their family. JFK could read 1, 600 words a minute and the first lady was into fashion. Kennedy family reminded many of a modern0day Camelot, the mythical court of King Arthur.
He also surrounded himself in "the best and the brightest." McGeorge Bundy, a Harvard University dean, as national security adviser; Robert McNamara, president of Ford Motor Company, as secretary of defense; and Dean Rusk, president of the Rockefeller Foundation, as secretary of state. Most of all he relied on his 35-year-old brother Robert, who was the attorney general.
By Melody
I like how you included some Kennedy's trivia facts like how he could read 1600 words a minute. It made the summary interesting.